Product manual

Chapter 5: Management with the CLU
Server Type – Windows Active Directory, Mac Open directory, or
Role Policy – Default or Explicit.
Default Privilege – Applies to Default Role Policy.
The following items apply to the Default Role Policy.
BaseDNOfGroup – Authenticates communication between subsystem
and LDAP server.
ObjectClassOfGroup – group is the default value.
GroupIDAttribute – cn is the default.
Making LDAP Settings
To make LDAP settings:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Additional Info and Management and press
2. Highlight LDAP Management and press Enter.
The LDAP Settings screen appears.
3. Highlight LDAP Auth and press Enter.
The LDAP Authorization screen appears.
4. Highlight each item and press the Spacebar to toggle between Enabled and
Disabled, as needed:
5. Highlight each item and press Backspace to erase the current value, then
type a new value, as needed:
Timeout – Maximum time to allowed for communication with LDAP
server. 10 seconds is the default.
BaseDN – Search domain limit of LDAP query. dc=example,dc=com is
the default.
Server – Hostname or IP address of LDAP server. is the
Port – Network port of LDAP server. 389 is the default.
BindDN – Authenticates communication between subsystem and LDAP
server. binddn is the default value.
Bindpw – Password for BindDN. binddn is the default value.
When email notification is enabled, these items appear:
Object Classperson is the default value.
UIDAttribute – Windows Active Directory sets sAMAccountName.