Product manual

VTrak E-Class Product Manual
CLU Reports a Problem
The CLU reports information passively, that is you must determine which
functions to check based on the sound of the VTrak’s audible alarm and any
amber or red LEDs. See “VTrak is Beeping” on page 375 and “LEDs Display
Amber or Red” on page 377 for more information.
Check the event logs first. Then check the reported component.
Viewing Runtime Events
To display Runtime Events:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Event Viewer and press Enter.
The log of Runtime Events appears. Events are added to the top of the list.
Each item includes:
Sequence number – Begins with 0 at system startup.
Device – Disk Array, Logical Drive, Physical Drive by its ID number.
Severity – See the Table below.
Timestamp – Date and time the event happened.
Description – A description of the event in plain language.
6. Press the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the log.
Viewing NVRAM Events
This screen displays a list of and information about 63 most important events
over multiple subsystem startups.
To display NVRAM events:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Event Viewer and press Enter.
2. Highlight NVRAM Events and press Enter.
Event Severity Levels
Level Description
Fatal Non-recoverable error or failure has occurred.
Critical Action is needed now and the implications of the condition are
Major Action is needed now.
Minor Action is needed but the condition is not a serious at this time.
Warning User can decide whether or not action is required.
Information Information only, no action is required.