Product manual

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
PSU 12V/5V/3.3V power is within the
normal range
No action is required.
PSU is critical. This may cause
instability of the system
Check the power to the PSU. Verify that
the correct PSU is installed.
PSU Fans
PSU fan or blower has turned on
No action is required.
PSU fan or blower has turned off
PSU fan or blower speed is increased
PSU fan or blower speed is decreased
PSU fan or blower is malfunctioning Replace the power supply.
PSU fan or blower is inserted
No action is required.
PSU fan or blower is functioning
PSU fan or blower is NOT installed Check fans or blowers.
PSU fan status is unknown. Check for proper installation and turn
on the power supply. If the condition
persists, replace the power supply.
RAID Level Migration
RAID level migration is started
No action is required.RAID migration is in progress
RAID level migration is completed
RAID level migration is paused Resume migration when ready.
RAID level migration is resumed No action is required.
RAID level migration is stopped If this action was not intentional, check
the logical drive’s status.
RAID level migration has encountered a
physical disk error
Check the disk drive check table after
migration and replace disk drive as
RAID level migration is aborted due to
an internal error.
Reduce system load on the VTrak.
RAID level migration is queued No action is required.
Migration has detected stale NV
Wait to see if the watermark clears.
Reported Event Corrective Action