Product manual

Task 5: Setting-up ALUA
Kernel with XEN or PAE support
To support ALUA within RHEL 5.5 using kernel with XEN or PAE support:
1. Install RHEL 5.5. When the CD is chosen for installation, immediately type
linux mpath.
2. Copy the PROMISE-supplied multipath.conf file to the /etc directory.
cp multipath.conf.alua-rhel5.5 /etc/multipath.conf
3. Install this patched alua_dh_scsi driver module.
rpm -ivh scsi_dh_alua_VTrak-2-1.src.rpm
4. Make your own rpm.
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPEC
rpmbuild -ba scsi_dh_alau.spec
5. Determine your system architecture, x86_64 or i386.
uname -a
6. Install the appropriate scsi_dh_alua driver module.
cd /usr/src/redhat/RPM/i386
rpm -ivh scsi_dh_alua_VTrak-2-1.i386.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/RPM/x86_64
rpm -ivh scsi_dh_alua_VTrak-2-1.x86_64.rpm
7. Check the multipath configuration.
Multipath -ll (multipath -v4)
SuSE Linux SLES 10 SP3
To support ALUA within SLES10 SP3:
1. Determine your system architecture, i586 or x86_64.
#> uname -a
2. Do one of the following actions:
Remove the currently installed multipath tool.
rpm -ev multipath-tools
Install the appropriate new multipath-tool RPM package.
rpm -ivh multipath-tools-0.4.7-34.50.10.ass.fix.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh multipath-tools-0.4.7-34.50.10.ass.fix.x86_64.rpm