User's Manual

V1.0 Kimo Boissonnier
Data Format
The data sent by water leak detectors are from Source End Point 111 and with destination End Point
according to the data type. The software is based on PWS, for a full list of PWS commands, please
reference to the PWS documentation. Here is a short brief of the messages that the device will send.
Descriptor (EP 0)
This descriptor is a set of data describing the hardware and the configuration of the device.
Param 1 (4 bytes) : the PWS version (A.B.C.D)
Param 2 (16 byte) : a string, the name of the board hardware
Param 3 (4 x 4 bytes) : the values of the « sensorPeriod » registers.
Param 4 (8 x 1 byte) : list of the supported application commands.
Param 5.1 (1 byte) : supported sensor (End point)
Param 5.2 (1 byte) : sensor option flags
The possible sensor option flags are :
0x01 : an offset is set for this sensor
0x02 : an alarm is set for this sensor
Alarm message (EP 6)
These messages are the result of the alarms configuration (see command 21)
Param 1 (1 byte) : Destination EP of the sensor that has generated the alarm
Param 2 (1 byte) : The alarm status.
The possible alarm status are :
Temperature (EP 112)
Signed short: Integer representing the temperature in 100th of degree.
Humidity (EP 114)
Unsigned short: Relative humidity in 100th of %.
Shock detection Extended (EP 127)
Param 1 (unsigned byte): the state:
* 0: sensor was stationary, and it is still stationary.
* 1: sensor was stationary, and it is moving now.
* 2: sensor was moving, and it is stationary now.
* 3: sensor was moving, and it is still moving.
Param 2 (unsigned short): move duration in seconds. (Meaningful for state 2 & 3)
Param 3 (unsigned byte): number of moves. (Meaningful for state 2 & 3)
Param 4 (3 signed bytes): acceleration state (One byte per axis X/Y/Z - Meaningful for state 0 & 2)
Acceleration value is the MSB of a 12 bits value. And the result is in mG.