User's Manual

32 Promote Control 3.15 User Manual Rev 23
© 2014 P romote Systems
Packing Up
A bulb ramping session can take as long as a few hours and may require extra items to bring with you.
The following checklist may be followed when you pack for a bulb ramping trip:
1. Promote Control, Bulb Ramping Assist Kit, shutter cable, USB cables.
2. An optional Promote Control Tripod Case may be useful (available from Promote Systems).
3. ND filters with holders & adapter rings if required (Advanced Bulb Ramping only).
4. Backup memory cards. We recommend cleaning them in advance.
5. Backup batteries for camera and Promote Control (2x AA).
6. Tripod, camera tripod mount plate. You may want to check the plate you pick fits both the tripod and
your camera well.
7. A portable GPS navigator may be useful to mark locations.
8. Mini flash light.
9. Scotch tape.
10. Drinks, snacks, coat / blanket (if required by upcoming weather conditions).
11. Permission paperwork if required for restricted locations.
We highly recommend trying the Bulb Ramping mode for a few times prior to planning an actual field
trip. Getting yourself familiar with all the exciting possibilities of Time-Lapse videography in changing
light. When you are ready to step up, make sure to read Advanced Bulb Ramping section to even
further extend your creative horizons with Promote Control.
7.6 Focus Stacking
Sometimes you need to take a picture with an extremely large depth of focus. A common technique for is
to stop down lens aperture - however this leads to using a slower shutter speed, and may require using
a tripod.
Focus Stacking is a technique that allows you to take multiple images of the same scene, focusing on
different parts of it. These multiple images are later merged into a single image on a computer. The
resulting image will have all objects in focus, creating an extremely large depth of field without sacrificing
available light.
Promote Control provides an easy to use Focus Stacking mode. It is currently compatible with Canon and
Nikon digital SLR cameras that have Live View mode, such as Canon 5D Mark II or 7D, or Nikon D7100.
With Nikon cameras, the rear LCD Live View will not be available while tethered via USB, and therefore
Focus Stacking will have to be set up using the distance scale on the attached lens. Focus Stacking