Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
Promystic Inside Out Instruction Manual 3
Thank you for purchasing ProMystic’s Inside Out. I think you will find this to be a very power
effect that is devious and so guilt free that you will feel like you are cheating. It is so light
weight and so fair that it will defy examination. There is nowhere for the spectator to go.
The Inside Out box is made to high precision specification. I had several different designs that
ranged from bulky and cumbersome to light weight and flimsy. I think this is the perfect
combination of minimalistic design while still meeting all functional goals.
By far, the #1 request for a cube that you can modify to be anything you want. Through
painstaking design I was able to achieve this in what I think is a very minimalistic design. You
have the choice of laser cut wood sides, color cube sides, and you can make your own sides
with whiteboards and Lexan covers. The Lexan covers are required to keep the markers from
CAUTION: The Lexan covers will scratch, but the scratches are almost imperceptible when
over the top of the whiteboard tiles. I will replace Lexan covers at an affordable price.
What you receive
Inside Out Cube
Electronic transmitter
Battery (CR1225 or BR1225)
False Bottom
Wood Emotion Tiles
Color Tiles
White Tiles
Lexan Glass Tiles
Key Features
Configurable Sides
High Strength plastic enclosure
Empty Container
Programmable ‘Lock’ Mode with no on/off
switch or magnets
Very long battery life
Over 30 feet of range
Inside Out is Built with Quality to Last a Lifetime