Owners manual

Page 29
Spring Puller- Need an extra "hand" in assembling your
trampoline? Try a Spring Puller! This
useful tool can help make attaching the
Springs a breeze.
Preschool Trampoline- Introducing the Propel Preschool
Trampoline, the safe, fun trampoline for your little
ones. The Propel Preschooler includes a soft yet
durable safety enclosure attached directly to the
jumping mat with thick padded poles to prevent your
child from falling off. A base net prevents toys,
children and pets from accessing under the jumper.
Instead of hard metal springs, it incorporates 30 heavy
duty bungees to provide a great bounce while
eliminating the dangers of conventional springs. The
healthy fun of the Propel Preschool Trampoline can
be used both indoors and outdoors so your children
can jump anytime. Bring it along to the park, or into
the play room when the weather turns sour. Wherever
you are the Propel Preschooler can be too!
For more information, or to order any of these accessories
please visit our website at www.PropelTrampolines.com.