Instruction manual

Lesson 4
A. Review and practice skill and techniques learned in previous lessons
B. Half-Turn
Start from front drop position and as you make contact with the mat, push off with arms in either the right or left
direction turning head and shoulders in same direction. During turn, be sure to keep back parallel to mat and head
After completing turn, land in front drop position
After completing this lesson, the student now has a basic foundation of trampoline bounces. Jumpers should be
encouraged to try and develop their own routines with the emphasis on control and form
1. Start from standing position, feet shoulder width apart and with bead up and eyes on mat
2. Swing arms forward and up and around in a circular motion
3. Bring feet together while in mid-air and point toes downward
4. Keep feet shoulder width apart when landing on mat.
1. Land in a flat sitting position.
2. Place hands on mat besides hips
3. Return to erect position by pushing with hands.
1. Start with front bounce position
2. Land in prone (face down)
3. Position and keep hand and arms extended forward on mat
4. Push off the mat with arms to return to standing position
1. Start with front bounce position
2. Push off with left or right hands and arms (depending on which way you wish to turn)
3. Maintain head and shoulders in the same direction and keep back parallel to mat and head
4. Land in prone position by return to standing position by pushing up with hands and arms