Instruction manual

Initially, you should get accustomed to feel and bounce of the trampoline. The focus must be on
the fundamentals of
your body position an you should practice each bounce (the basic bounces)
until you can do each skill with ease and
To brake a bounce, all you need to do is flex your knees sharply before they come in contact
with the mat of the
trampoline! This technique should be practiced while you are learning each of the basic bounces. The skill of
braking should be used whenever you lose balance or control of previous manoeuvre, or if you are just learning
how to jump on a trampoline. If you do, you will
increase your risk of getting injured by landing on the frame,
springs, or off the trampoline
completely because you might lose control of your jump. A controlled jump is
landing on the same spot that you took off from. If you do lose control when you are jumping on
trampoline, bend your knees sharply when you land and this will allow you to regain control
and stop your jump.
Somersaults (Flips): DO NOT Perform Somersaults of any type (backwards or forwards) on this trampoline.
you make a mistake when trying to perform a somersault, you could land on our head or neck. This will increase
your chances of getting your neck or back broken, which will
result in death or paralysis.
Foreign Objects: DO NOT use the trampoline if there are pets, other people, or any objects
underneath the
trampoline. This will increase the chances of an injury occurring. DO NOT hold
any foreign objects in your hand and
DO NOT place any objects on the trampoline while anyone
is playing on it. Please be aware of what is overhead
when you are playing on the
trampoline. Tree limbs, wires, or other objects located over the trampoline will increase
chances of getting injured.
Poor Maintenance of Trampoline: A trampoline in poor condition will increase your risk of
getting injured. Please
inspect the trampoline before each use for bent steel tubes, torn mat loose
or broken springs. Also check the overall
stability of the trampoline.
Weather Conditions: Please be aware of the weather conditions when using the trampoline. If the
mat of the
trampoline is wet, the jumper could slip and injure themselves.
it is too windy,
jumpers could lose control.
Limit Access
: When the trampoline is not in use, always store the access ladder in a secure
place so that
unsupervised children cannot play on the trampoline.
Jumper's role in accident prevention the key here is to stay in control of your jumps. DO NOT
move onto more
complicated, more difficult manoeuvres until you have mastered the basic,
fundamental bounce. Education is
also key to safety and very important. Read, understand, and
practice all safety precautions and warnings prior
to using the trampoline. A controlled jump is when you land and take off from the same location. For additional
safety tips and instructions,
contact a certified trampoline instructor.