User Manual

Table Of Contents
3. Select the desired empty Combinator device in the rack - or create a new Combinator device and select it.
4. Select “Paste Patch” from the Edit menu or the device context menu.
The Insert FX devices with their settings and connections are pasted into the Combinator device.
To copy an effect patch in a Combinator device and paste it as an Insert FX in a channel strip in the Main Mixer, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Select the Combinator device which contains the effects you want to copy.
2. Select “Copy Patch” from the Edit menu or the device context menu.
The Combinator effect devices with their settings and connections are placed in the computer’s clipboard memory.
3. Select the desired Mix Channel/Audio Track device in the rack, or the desired channel strip in the Main Mixer.
4. Select “Paste Channel Settings: Insert FX” from the Edit menu or the device context menu.
The Combinator devices with their settings and connections are pasted into the Insert FX section of the selected
Mix Channel/Audio Track device.
Initializing patches
Sometimes it is useful to start with a “clean slate” when creating a synth sound, a drum kit or a sampler patch. This is
achieved by selecting “Initialize Patch” from the Edit menu or from the device context menu. This sets all parameters
to “default” values. Initializing NN19, NN-XT, Dr. Octo Rex, Kong or Redrum devices (Record+Reason) will also re-
move all sample/REX file references, allowing you to start from scratch.
About ReFills
A ReFill is a kind of component package for Record and Reason which can contain sounds and effects patches,
samples, REX files, SoundFonts and demo songs. If you like, you can compare ReFills to ROM cards for a hardware
synthesizer. On your computer, ReFills appear as large files with the extension “.rfl”.
All sounds included with Record are embedded in a ReFill named “Record Sound Bank” which was copied to the Re-
cord Program folder during installation.
Additional Propellerhead ReFills are available for purchase. You can also download ReFills from other Record (and
Reason) users on the Internet, purchase them from other sample manufacturers, etc.
Samples (Wave and AIFF files) are compressed to about half their original file size when stored in ReFills,
without loss of quality.
In Record, you can use the browser to list and access the embedded sounds and other components within the Re-
Fills, just as if the ReFills were folders on your hard disk.
Furthermore, if a song makes use of components from ReFills, Record will tell you which ReFills are required.