User Manual

Table Of Contents
Splitting an Insert FX signal to an additional Mix Channel for parallel processing
If you are already using an Insert FX in the Audio track device, you can still tap the signal to another Mix Channel de-
vice for parallel signal processing by using a Spider Audio Merger and Splitter device as shown in the picture below:
Tapping the signal from the Insert FX chain of an Audio Track device to an additional Mix Channel device,
via a Spider Audio Merger and Splitter device
By adjusting the Level of the Bass Dist channel in the Main Mixer, you can gradually introduce the distortion effect,
in parallel with the internally processed bass sound of the audio track. This way, you now have two parallel Insert FX
signal chains for the audio track, where the tapped signal is adjustable.
Using compression sidechaining
Compression sidechaining is a feature which lets you control the Compressor, not from the internal channel signal,
but from an external signal. A typical use case would be to let the signal from a kick drum channel control the com-
pression of the bass channel. The result would be that the bass signal is compressed each time the kick drum signal
is present on the sidechain input, allowing the kick sound to momentarily suppress the bass sound.
Compression sidechaining from an external channel
The example below shows an audio track with a kick sound that is tapped from the Kick Audio Track Device’s Insert
FX “To Device” output and routed to the Dynamics Sidechain input of the Bass Audio Track device.