User Manual

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2. Place a tick in the check boxes for the Mixer Channels you want to bounce. Note that you can also bounce the
Mixer Master Section and any FX Returns at the same time if you like.
The Mixer Channels in the list appear in the order they are placed in the Main Mixer, i.e. not necessarily in numer-
ical or chronological order. The color tags in the list correspond to the Channel Strip colors in the Main Mixer. The
Master Section is always listed as “Master Section” in the list and the eight FX Returns are listed as "FX 1 Return
(<name>)", where <name> is the FX name shown on the label in the Main Mixer. Selecting FX Returns makes it
possible to bounce reverbs and other Send FX you might be using in your song. The FX signal is tapped after FX
Return Level/Pan/Mute if “Apply Mixer Settings = All” (see below). Otherwise, the signals will be taken at the FX
Return inputs.
D Click the “Check All” or “Uncheck All” buttons to activate or deactivate all checkboxes in one go.
3. Select what channel settings you want to use (or not use) by clicking one of the radio buttons in the “Apply
Mixer Settings” section.
D Select “All” to bounce the selected Mixer Channels with all its settings, including any Insert FX, Level and Pan.
Since the Pan parameter is included, mono Mixer Channels will be bounced as stereo audio files.
D Select “All except fader section” to bounce the selected Mixer Channels with all Mixer Channel settings, in-
cluding any Insert FX, but excluding the Level, Pan, Stereo Width and Mute parameters of the Channel Strip.
Stereo Mixer Channels will be bounced as stereo audio files whereas mono Mixer Channels will be bounced as
mono audio files. For the Master Section, this option means including Insert FX and the Master Compressor, but
not the master fader.
D Select “None” to bounce the selected Mixer Channels before the Mixer Channel Strips, without applying any
Mixer Channel parameters or Insert FX.
Bounced files will be in stereo if there's any stereo material on the Audio Track (or, for a Mix Channel, if it's con-
nected in stereo). Otherwise, the bounced audio files will be in mono.
4. Place a tick in the “Normalize” check box to adjust all bounced audio files so the maximum level is 0 dB.
Normalizing is useful to get good levels when you proceed to use the bounced audio files in another application, or
to avoid clipping.
5. Select what range to bounce in the “Range to Bounce” section.
D Select “Song” to bounce the entire song (from the beginning of the song to the End Marker).
D Select “Loop” to bounce the section between the Left and Right Locators.
! Make sure you place the End Marker (when bouncing a Song) or Right Locator (when bouncing a Loop) so that
any sustaining sounds are allowed to decay to silence. Otherwise, there will be an abrupt “cut” in the end of
the bounced audio files.
6. Select destination for the bounced Mixer Channel(s) in the “Bounce to:” section.
D Select “New Tracks in Song” to bounce the Mixer Channels to new Audio Tracks in the song.
When “New Tracks in Song” is selected, the File Format settings in the dialog are disabled (as is the "Export
Tempo Track (.MID)" setting). The audio will be rendered at the current song’s sample rate (i.e. what you have pre-
viously set up in the hardware audio interface), at full 32-bit float resolution.
Clicking OK will create a new Audio Track for each selected Mixer Channel, create an Audio Clip on each of these
Tracks and render the Mixer Channel audio as a recording on a Comp Row in the Audio Clip.
The new Audio Tracks will get the names and colors of their corresponding (bounced) Mixer Channels. The Audio
Clips will get the same color but will not be labeled (named).
The new recordings (on the Comp Rows) will get the name of their source Mixer Channels + "(Bounced)", e.g.
"Picked Guitar (Bounced)" if the bounced Mixer Channel’s name is “Picked Guitar”.
Selecting "Mute Original Channels" will mute all bounced Mixer Channels (those selected in the Mixer Channels
list) after the bouncing. If there are automation lanes for their Mute buttons, their ON buttons will be turned off.
! The “Mute Original Channels” setting does not affect the Master Section or the FX Returns.