User Manual

Table Of Contents
Anchor Point
Normally, all groove patterns start at Bar 1 and repeat themselves throughout a song. For example, a 4-bar groove
pattern will begin at Bar 1 and repeat its pattern every four bars. Many times, however, songs begin with blank mea-
sures, pickup measure or, perhaps, a short introduction. In these cases, you probably don't want the groove pattern to
begin at Bar 1, but at some later bar. This is the purpose of the anchor point - it tells Record at which measure it
should begin applying the groove settings.
For example, assume you have a song with a 1-bar pickup. Because the song really begins on bar 2, that's where you
want your groove to begin. Setting the anchor point to 2 insures that the groove patterns all begin at measure 2.
D Note: There is one exception to the rule that grooves start playing at their anchor point and repeat indefinitely
throughout the song-and that's when they encounter a time-signature change. Grooves always restart at any
measure containing a time signature change.
You can use this knowledge if, for example, you have a song section with an odd number of bars-inserting a time
signature change will force all your grooves to restart at that measure.
Global Shuffle
This knob adjusts Record's global shuffle amount, and is used by any devices that employ patterns, such as Redrum's
internal sequencer, the Matrix pattern sequencer, and the RPG-8 arpeggiator (Record+Reason). It also defines the
shuffle value for any ReGroove channel for which the Global Shuffle option is activated.
Setting the Global Shuffle to a value of 50% results in a “straight” beat, with no swing applied. Setting the Global
Shuffle to a value of 66% results in a perfect sixteenth-note triplet shuffle. Values between 50% and 66% have a
less pronounced swing feel, and values greater than 66% are more exaggerated.
Channel parameters
These parameters operate on a per-channel basis. Each of ReGroove's 32 channels (arranged in 4 banks of eight)
contains an identical set of parameters.
On button
Edit button
Channel number
Groove patch name
Groove patch browser button
Slide knob
Groove Amount slider
Shuffle knob
Pre-align button
Global Shuffle button