User Manual

Table Of Contents
About Hyper Threading Technology (single-core Pentium 4 processors)
Hyper Threading Technology (HTT) is a technology used in older single-core Intel Pentium 4 processors to simulate
dual-core behavior by making one physical CPU appear as two logical processors. However, these two logical pro-
cessors will share FPU (Floating Point Unit). Since Record depends heavily on the FPU to calculate and generate
sound, there will be problems if Hyper Threading is active.
Record automatically disables Hyper Threading and uses only one logical processor per CPU. However, another pro-
gram running on the computer could still be scheduled to use the other logical processor and steal resources (FPU,
memory bandwidth) from Record.
! If you’re using a Pentium 4 processor computer, we recommend that you disable the Hyper Threading function
if you’re experiencing problems.
About hard drives
Most state-of-the-art hard drives will work perfectly together with Record. Generally, the faster hard drive(s) you use,
the better. Most hard drives of today runs at 5.400 rpm or faster, which is sufficient for use with Record. A large hard
drive is also highly recommended when working with DAWs like Record. A single song with a lot of recordings in it
could easily reach around 1 GB in final size. During recording and editing, the song file size could be a lot bigger than
that, so a hard drive space of at least 20 GB is definitely recommended.
General optimization tips
Finally, we’d like to share a couple of other general optimization tips:
Quit other programs that are running at the same time as Record.
Remove background tasks on your computer.
This might be any background utilities you have installed as well as networking, background internet activities etc.
Under Windows, make sure you use the latest and most efficient ASIO driver for your audio card.
Only work on one Record Song document at a time.
Songs that are open in the background do consume some processing power, even though they’re not playing.
Lower the sample rate setting in the Preferences dialog.
While this also might reduce sound quality, it is a very quick and convenient way to try to play a song that your
computer otherwise can’t handle.