User Manual

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With a basic connection setup, the Oscillator outputs are internally connected to the “Mix” section. To pass the output
signal onwards in the signal chain, you first have to activate a connection. This is done using the two vertical rows of
routing buttons labelled 1, 2 and 3 to the right of the Oscillator section.
The upper row of routing buttons determine which of the Oscillators 1 to 3 are routed to Filter 1, and the lower
row which of the Oscillators 1 to 3 are routed to Filter 2.
All three oscillators can be simultaneously routed to both filters, serially or in parallel (or any combination of these
variations). This is explained later in this tutorial.
By activating one or more of these buttons means that the oscillator (1 to 3) is routed to the corresponding Filter.
Currently, Oscillator 1 is connected to Filter 1 slot (which is pre-loaded with a Ladder LP filter).
This is indicated by the “1” routing button being lit. The Filter 2 slot is currently not active, which is indicated by a
blank panel.
3. Click the “2” button to the left of the Filter 1 section so that it lights up to activate a connection for Oscillator 2.
Now if you play a few notes you should hear both Oscillator 1 and Oscillator 2, via the Filter 1 section.
The Filter 1 output passes via the Shaper (currently not activated), on to the Amp section, and finally to the
Main Outputs.
Actually, the Amp section output is routed via the Global section before being sent to the Main Outputs, but as cur-
rently nothing is activated in the Global section the signal passes through unprocessed.