User Manual

Table Of Contents
The Shaper
Before filter:A is an optional waveshaper. Waveshaping is a synthesis method for transforming sounds by altering the
waveform shape, thereby creating a complex, rich sound. Or, if that’s more to your taste, truncating and distorting the
sound to lo-fi heaven!
A guitar distortion box could be viewed as a type of waveshaper for example. An unamplified electric guitar produces
a sound with fairly pure harmonic content, which is then amplified and transformed by the distortion box.
D To activate/deactivate the Shaper, click the On/Off button in the top left corner.
When the Shaper is activated, the button is lit.
The Shaper activated
You can select one of five different modes for shaping the sound, each with its own characteristics.
To select a mode, either click the Mode button in the bottom left corner or click directly on the desired mode name
so that it lights up in yellow.
This produces a round, smooth sound.
This gives a lush, rich character to the sound.
This introduces clipping - digital distortion - to the signal.
This lets you truncate the signal by bit-reduction, thus making it possible to achieve that noisy, characteristic 8 bit
sound for example.
This is actually not strictly a shaper function. Instead it multiplies the sound with noise.