User Manual

Table Of Contents
2. Manually set the root key, and adjust the tune knob if the sample needs fine-tuning.
Without any information stored in the file, or if the file name doesn’t indicate the root key, you will have to use your
ears for this step. Play the sample and use another instrument or a tuner to determine its pitch.
3. Select the next sample using the Sample knob, and repeat the previous step.
Proceed like this until you have set a root key for all the samples in memory.
4. Select “Automap Samples” from the edit menu.
The samples will be mapped according to their set root key positions!
How Mapping Information is saved
All information about key zones, high and low range, root key etc. is stored as part of the Sampler Patch. The original
sample files are never altered!
NN-19 synth parameters
The NN-19 synth parameters are used to shape and modulate samples. These are mostly similar to the parameters
used to shape the oscillators in Subtractor - you have envelope generators, a filter, velocity control etc. Again, it is im-
portant to remember that these parameters do not alter the audio files in any way, only the way they will play back.
! These parameters are global, in the sense that they will affect all samples in a sample patch.
The Oscillator Section
For a sample patch, the actual samples are what oscillators are for a synthesizer, the main sound
. The follow-
ing settings can be made in the Osc section of the NN-19:
Sample Start
This changes the start position of samples in a sample patch. Turning the knob clockwise gradually offsets the sam-
ples’ start position, so that they will play back from a position further “into” the samples’ waveform. This is useful
mainly for two things:
D Removing “air” or other unwanted artefacts from the start of less than perfect samples.
Occasionally (although not in any samples supplied with Reason) you may come across samples where the start
point of the sample is slightly ahead of the start of the actual sound. There may be noise or silence in the begin-
ning which was not intended to be part of the sample. By adjusting the sample start position, this can be removed.