User Manual

Table Of Contents
Managing Zones and Samples
Creating a Key Map
When you add an NN-XT sampler to the rack, its key map display is always empty. That is, it contains no samples.
To create a new key map, proceed as follows:
1. Either click the Browse Samples button, select Browse Samples from the Edit menu or select Browse Samples
from the NN-XT’s context menu.
This will bring up the regular file browser.
The Browse Samples button.
2. Select the sample or samples that you want to load in the browser and click “OK”.
The selected sample(s) are loaded into the NN-XT.
When new samples are loaded into the NN-XT they have the following properties:
Each sample is placed in its own zone.
Each zone spans a key range of five octaves on the keyboard - C1 to C6.
All the newly added sample(s)/zones are automatically selected.
The first added zone gets edit focus.
A key map with four newly added samples.
Setting Root Notes and Key Ranges
The next step after loading the samples is most likely to adjust the key range, root note and tuning of the samples, so
that they play sensibly across the key range. There are many ways of doing this, described in “Working with Key
Ranges and onwards. However, we will here briefly describe a procedure for quickly creating a complete key map
out of a set of loaded samples.
This example assumes that the samples you load is a set of multisamples for a pitched instrument (like guitar, piano,
flute etc.).
1. Load the samples.
2. Use “Select All” on the Edit menu to select all the loaded samples.
3. Use “Set Root Notes from Pitch Detection” to automatically set up the root notes (pitches) for the samples.
4. Select “Automap Zones” from the Edit menu.
All selected zones are automatically arranged into a basic key map. You can now proceed with adjusting the synth
parameters on the front panel to shape the sound!