User Manual

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So you can play your open hi-hat repeatedly without the sound cutting itself off. When you play the closed hi-hat, this
cuts off the open hi-hat.
Note that activating this button is not the same as setting polyphony to 1. E.g., it can not be used for Legato or mono
Retrig (see “Legato and Retrig).
Legato and Retrig
Legato works best with monophonic sounds. Set Key Poly (see above) to 1 and try the following:
D Hold down a key and then press another key without releasing the previous.
Notice that the pitch changes, but the envelopes do not start over. That is, there will be no new “attack”.
D If Key Poly is set to more voices than 1, Legato will only be applied when all the assigned keys are “used up”.
For example, if you had a polyphony setting of “4” and you held down a 4 note chord, the next note you played
would be Legato. Note, however, that this Legato key will “steal” one of the keys in the 4 note chord, as all the as-
signed keys were already used up!
Retrig is the “normal” setting for playing polyphonic patches. That is, when you press a key without releasing the pre-
vious, the envelopes are triggered, like when you release all keys and then press a new one. In monophonic mode,
Retrig has an additional function; if you press a key, hold it, press a new key and then release that, the first note is
also retriggered.
LFO 1 Rate
This is used for controlling the rate of LFO 1 if it is used in “Group Rate” mode. In that case, this knob will take pre-
cedence over the rate parameter in the LFO 1 section. See “The LFOs” for detailed information about this.
This is used for controlling portamento - a parameter that makes the pitch glide between the notes you play, rather
than changing the pitch instantly as soon as you hit a key on your keyboard. By turning this knob you set how long it
should take for the pitch to glide from one note to the next as you play them.
In legato mode, there will only be any portamento when actually playing legato (tied) notes.
With the knob turned all the way to the left, portamento is disabled.