User Manual

Table Of Contents
SoundFonts are an open standard for wavetable synthesized audio, developed by E-mu systems and Creative Tech-
SoundFont banks store wavetable synthesized sounds, allowing users to create and edit multi-sampled sounds in
special Soundfont editing programs. The sounds can then be played back in wavetable synthesizers, typically on au-
dio cards. The samples in a SoundFont are stored hierarchically in different categories: User Samples, Instruments,
Presets etc. Kong allows you to browse and load single SoundFont samples, not
entire soundfonts.
REX files are files created in ReCycle – a program designed for working with sampled loops. It works by “slicing” up
a loop and making separate samples of each beat, which makes it possible to change the tempo of loops without af-
fecting the pitch and to edit the loop as if it was built up of individual sounds. Kong lets you browse REX files and
load separate slices from it as individual samples.
See “NN-Nano Sampler” for details.
REX Files
The REX Player module in Kong can read and play back files of the following formats:
REX files (.rx2, .rex, .rcy)
See “Nurse Rex Loop Player” for details.
Using patches
When you create a new Kong device it is loaded with a default kit. If you like you can use the default kit - or you can
load another Kong Kit patch (or create one from scratch, by loading individual Drum patches). A Kong Kit patch con-
tains settings for the 16 Drum channels, complete with parameter settings and file references to any samples used.
Loading a Kit Patch
To load a patch, use one of the following methods:
D Use the browser to locate and open the desired patch.
To open the browser, select “Browse Kong Patches” from the Edit menu or device context menu, or click the folder
button in the patch section on the device panel.
D Once you have selected a patch, you can step between all the patches in the same folder by using the arrow
buttons next to the patch name display.
D If you click and hold on the patch name display on the device panel, a pop-up menu will appear, listing all Kong
Kit patches in all currently expanded folders in the Patch Browser.
This allows you to quickly select another patch without having to step through each one in turn.