User Manual

Table Of Contents
About the Amp/Cabinet models
The Amp models are listed together with the default Cabinet models but remember that amps & cabs can be com-
bined in any configuration. And don’t feel bound by the Guitar/Bass categories - e.g. try a guitar amp with a bass cab-
inet for a bass, or use any other mix of Amp/Cab/instrument you like!
The following Amp and Cabinet models are available:
Amp Parameters
The Amp parameters are used to tweak the selected amp tone. The following controls are found in this section:
Additional parameters
Pedal controls (Guitar Amp only)
Wah and Volume are pedal control parameters. The “Wah” (a resonant filter), and “Volume” (or swell) parameters are
used to change tone and volume, respectively. Any suitable Remote control surface (e.g. a MIDI pedal) can be used
to record pedal expression live if you so wish. There are also CV control inputs for these parameters.
D Activate both the Volume and Wah controls by clicking the “On” button.
Amp Model
1964 Blackface ‘Lux
(Guitar Amp)
This versatile amp can generate warm, clean tones with a subtle
crunch which makes it perfect for a variety of styles ranging from
rootsy blues to sparkly pop.
1x12 1964 Blackface ‘Lux/
Single speaker combo cabinet.
1968 Plexi Lead 100
(Guitar Amp)
Based on one of the best amps ever produced. The signum sound is
rich crunch with excellent dynamic response. if you’re looking for
classic rock tone, look no further.
4x12 1968 Green 25s/
4x12 cabinet with classic speakers.
2001 Treadplate Dual
(Guitar Amp)
This is a high gain amp with a cutting tone. From clean to meltdown,
this amp delivers.
4x12 2001 Treadplate/
Modern style 4x12 cabinet.
1974 Rock Classic
(Bass Amp)
300 Watt powerhouse amp with awesome punch and big sound. The
amp of choice for many rock bassists.
8x10 Classic/
Big cabinet with rock solid bass.
1968 Flip Top
(Bass Amp)
This relatively small (25 Watts) amp is based on one the world’s most
popular studio amps.
1x15 Flip Top/
Closed back cabinet design with a single 15”
speaker. Great, tight bass tone.
Drive control This controls the input gain. The higher the Drive value, the more crunch you get.
Bass/Middle/Treble controls
(Guitar Amp)
Bass/Lo Mid/Hi Mid/Treble controls
(Bass Amp)
These are tone controls which you can use to cut or boost the bass, midrange and high frequencies,
The Bass Amp has both Lo and Hi Mid controls which give you more control over the important mid-
range frequencies.
Presence control (Guitar Amp only) Presence usually provides a boost of high frequencies, helping the sound cut through the mix.
Volume Controls the master volume of the Amp.