User Manual

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6. On the Subtractor, set up a noise sound as follows:
D Turn the Oscillator Mix knob fully to the right.
D Turn on the Noise section (but make sure Osc 2 is off).
D In the Noise section, turn Color to around twelve o’clock.
D Open the filter fully and make sure resonance is set to 0.
D Make sure Filter Envelope Amt is 0 (and turn off velocity modulation).
D Raise the Sustain to full in the Amp Envelope section.
Now we want the Subtractor to play a continuous noise. You could just route MIDI to it, play a note and keep it
pressed, but that will probably wear you out in the long run. Better to use a Matrix:
7. Create a Matrix and route it to the Subtractor.
We really only need the Gate connection - the note number isn’t important with the noise patch.
8. Set up a one step pattern with a tied gate (press [Shift] and draw the gate) and start playback on the Matrix.
Now the vocoder gets a continuous noise signal as carrier.
9. Create a suitable drum pattern on the Redrum and start pattern playback.
10.Gradually turn up send 1 for the Redrum channel in the mixer.
This now serves as a balance control between the dry drum sound and the reverb, generated by the voccoded
noise! Set it to a suitable reverb level.
11.Use the Decay control on the vocoder to adjust the reverb decay time.
12.Use the Noise Color control on the Subtractor to make the reverb darker or brighter.
You could use the filter cutoff for this as well.
That’s it - a pretty good reverb sound with a lot of control. Although the settings above give the most natural sound,
you can vary the sound and create special-FX reverb in the following ways for example:
D Switch the vocoder to a lower band mode.
D Lower the cutoff and add some resonance in the Subtractor filter.
D Modulate the Subtractor filter with a fast LFO.
D Set the Subtractor filter to HighPass mode to remove the bottom end from the reverb.
D Turn off the Matrix controlling the Subtractor and “play” the noise patch yourself (or from the sequencer). This
way you can create gated reverb effects, etc.