User Manual

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Window menu (Mac OS X version)
This minimizes the selected song document window.
This toggles the selected window between the default and the user defined size and position, according to the Apple
guidelines. For detached Mixer and rack windows, the default state equals maximized across the screen.
Bring All to Front
This will bring all open Record windows in front of any other open application’s window(s).
View Main Mixer
Selecting this, or pressing [F5], will maximize the Main Mixer area and bring it into view.
View Racks
Selecting this, or pressing [F6], will maximize the Rack area and bring it into view.
View Sequencer
Selecting this, or pressing [F7], will maximize the Sequencer area and bring it into view.
Detach/Attach Main Mixer
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F5], will detach the Main Mixer from the Song document window, and open it in a
separate window. When the Main Mixer is detached, the menu item text changes from Detach to Attach. Selecting
this will then reattach the Main Mixer to the Song document window again.
Detach/Attach Rack Window
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F6], will detach the Rack from the Song document window, and open it in a sepa-
rate window. When the Rack is detached, the menu item text changes from Detach to Attach. Selecting this will then
reattach the Rack to the Song document window.
View All
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F7], will reattach any separate windows to the Song document window and show
all areas equally sized.
Show/Hide Tool Window
Selecting this, or pressing [F8] will show or hide the floating Tool window. This contains the Device tab (for creating
new devices), the Tools tab (for editing sequencer data) and the Groove tab (for fine-tuning and saving ReGroove