User's Manual

Page 4
PRE-WIRING for X-10 PRO's Lighting Modules
The following is a guide to a “home-run” type wiring configuration that ensures a
versatile and reliable system. This configuration costs slightly more in materials and
labor to run the 14 gage home-runs for each load and control point. This expense,
however, is more than offset by the increase in system reliability having all associated
lighting and control points electrically “close” or in the same vicinity. The ease of setup
and programming are worth it for simple and inexpensive installation.
The "home-run" wiring scheme is very different than conventional wiring methods. The
conventional way typically taps off or "daisy chains" as many fixture/switch sets as
possible off of each 20A supply circuit. This method is the least expensive method in
getting the required control points/fixtures connected throughout the house but doesn't
allow for other methods of control.
The "home-run" method proposed in this pre-wiring guide cost somewhat more, but is
so versatile that anything from complex scene systems to simple switch/fixture
arrangements can be easily implemented.
Single Room Wiring
A typical wiring diagram for one room might be as shown in Figure 1.