User's Manual

Pro Video Instruments
VeCOAX Ultra RF Series user Manual
These are the Defaults and Good
starting point for PLUG N PLAY
Please do not modify these settings
unless instructed or you understand
these settings.
If you require a specific PID set by
your Service provider for Coax STB
injection, then please change as per
their requirements.
Changing these numbers can create
unwanted effects on your channel if
not careful.
TS ID Transport ID Number. Used for Identification
of the Mpeg Transport Stream. Default 1
SERVICE ID Also known as the Program ID
CVCT MODE Allows the changing of the VCT Mode
for TV tuners that have trouble registering the
assigned Major Minor channel and short name. By
default, this is Auto mode for QAM. This option only
shows in J.83B standard
PMT Program Mapping Table Identification
Number. Metadata of the MPEG transport stream.
Contains the PIDS. Default 32
VIDEO PID Identification number for the Mpeg
Video transport stream. Default is 48
PCR PID Program Clock rate PID. Required to be
the same number as Video PID to ensure the Video
and Encoder PID’s are synced correctly and Identified
in the Transport stream
AUDIO PID Identification number for the Mpeg
Audio in the transport stream. Default is 49
1080P CONV This option will downscale 1080P
video to 1080i automatically when in interlace mode.
If you switch to Auto mode, the unit will not
downscale any 1080P video and pass through the
resolution to your tv. We keep this in interlace by
default for any tuner compatibility issues that don’t
support 1080P video through the tuner.
RF ATTEN We have a built-in Digital Atten
MIXER MODE mixer mode allows the changing of
the phase rotation of the Mpeg Modulation stream.
In simple terms, it’s a compatibility mode for older
tuners that still use DVB ATSC 1.0. If you are having
issues with certain TVs not picking up the channel,
please try the Alternate mode. By default, we have it
set to normal which is max ATSC compatibility for all
digital tuners
PID = (Packet Identifier)
CVCT = (Cable Virtual Channel Table)