User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Procedures MP.11 4954-R Installation and Management
Image File Download with the Bootloader
Image File Download with the Bootloader
The following procedures download an image file to the unit after the embedded software has been erased with Forced
Reload or when the embedded software cannot be started by the Bootloader. A new image file can be downloaded to the
unit with ScanTool, or the Command Line Interface through the unit’s serial port. In both cases, the file is transferred
through Ethernet with TFTP. Because the CLI serial port option requires a serial RS-232C cable, Proxim recommends the
ScanTool option.
Download with ScanTool
To download an image file with the ScanTool:
1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.
2. Run ScanTool on a computer that is connected to the same LAN subnet as the unit. ScanTool scans the subnet for
units and displays the found units in the main window. If in Forced Reload, ScanTool does not find the device until the
unit Bootloader times out from its default operation to download an image. Click Rescan to re-scan the subnet and
update the display until the unit shows up in Bootloader mode.
3. Select the unit to which you want to download an image file and click Change.
4. Ensure that IP Address Type Static is selected and fill in the following details:
IP Address and Subnet Mask of the unit.
TFTP Server IP Address and, if necessary, the Gateway IP Address of the TFTP server.
Image File Name of the file with the new image.
5. Click OK to start the file transfer.
The unit downloads the image file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a few seconds. When
the download is complete, the LED pattern should return to reboot state. The unit is ready to start the embedded
After a Forced Reload procedure, the unit returns to factory default settings and must be reconfigured. ScanTool can be
used to set the system name and IP address.
To access the unit, see Logging in to the Web Interface.
Download with CLI
To use the CLI through the serial port of the unit, you need a connector cable with a male RJ11 and a female DB9
connector (included with the unit) and an ASCII terminal program such as HyperTerminal. Proxim recommends you
switch off the unit and the computer before connecting or disconnecting the serial RS-232C cable.
To download an image file:
1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.
2. Start the terminal program (such as HyperTerminal), set the following connection properties, and then connect:
COM port: for example, COM1 or COM2 to which the unit serial port is connected)
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Parity: None
3. Disconnect and reconnect power to reset the unit; the terminal program displays Power On Self Test (POST)