User's Manual

Configuration MP.11 4954-R Installation and Management
Intra-Cell Blocking (Base Station Unit Only)
Enable Intra-Cell Blocking
Click Configure > Intra-Cell Blocking > Group Table to enable the Intra-Cell Blocking feature and to configure Intra-
Cell Blocking Groups.
The following items are configurable:
Intra-Cell Blocking Status: Enables or disables the Intra-Cell Blocking feature.
Group Table: Entries in this table show the Intra-Cell Blocking filter groups that have been configured. When Intra-
Cell Blocking is enabled, the Base Station Unit discards all packets coming from one SU to another SU, if both SUs do
not belong to the same filter group.
Configure Intra-Cell Blocking Groups
Click the Add Table Entries button to add groups to the Group Table.
Enter the group name, and click Add. The group is assigned an Index and appears in the Group Table. Up to 16 groups
can be configured per Base Station.
You can enable, disable or delete an existing filter group by using the Edit/Delete Table Entries button.