User Manual

v W/CS97-1
1.1 All Definitions contained in Glenayre Western Multiplex's
Conditions of Sale (Glenayre Western Multiplex document number
CS96-8), apply to the Warranty.
1.2 Subject to the provisions of the Warranty, Glenayre Western
Multiplex warrants that the equipment described in Paragraph 1.3
shall conform to their specifications described in Paragraph 1.4 in
all material respects and that the equipment shall be free from
material defects in materials and workmanship.
1.3 This Warranty applies to all original purchases of Glenayre
Western Multiplex manufactured equipment and accessories
(collectively the "Equipment").
1.4 This Warranty applies to the specifications contained in the most
recent version of the manual for the model of the Equipment
purchased (the "Specifications").
1.5 This Warranty does not apply to the following items of Equipment
which are covered by the Original Equipment Manufacturer's
(a) antenna systems, including coax cable, waveguide, connectors
flex-sections, mounts, other parts of the antenna system and
installation materials;
(b) non-Glenayre Western Multiplex manufactured rack mounted
equipment that is assembled wired and tested at Glenayre
Western Multiplex's factory or supplied as part of a system,
including orderwire items, channel banks, multiplexers,
fuse/alarm panels, remote alarm items; and
(c) equipment which is not listed in Glenayre Western Multiplex's
price book.
1.6 The effective period of this Warranty shall start on the date of
shipment of the Equipment and shall end:
(a) for all spread spectrum unlicensed radio products and for all
licensed digital microwave radio products, two (2) years later;
(b) for all analog microwave radio products, three (3) years later; or
(c) for all baseband products, five (5) years later (in each case the
"Warranty Period").
1.7 The Customer acknowledges that Glenayre Western Multiplex
does not represent or warrant that the services provided by
Glenayre Western Multiplex under this Warranty will ensure
uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Equipment.
2.1 If an item of Equipment malfunctions or fails in normal intended
usage and maintenance within the applicable Warranty Period:
(a) the Customer shall promptly notify Glenayre Western Multiplex
of the problem and the serial number of the defective item;
(b) Glenayre Western Multiplex shall, at its sole option, either
resolve the problem over the telephone or provide the Customer
with a Returned Materials Authorization number (RMA #) and
the address of the location to which the Customer may ship the
defective item;
(c) if the problem is not resolved over the telephone, the Customer
shall attach a label to each Returned item describing the fault
and the Customer's Return address. The Customer shall, at its
cost, properly pack the item to be Returned, prepay the
insurance and shipping charges, and ship the item to the
specified location;
(d) if the Glenayre Western Multiplex product shall prove to be
defective in material or workmanship upon examination by
Glenayre Western Multiplex, Glenayre Western Multiplex shall
either repair or replace the Returned item at its sole option. The
replacement item may be new or refurbished; if refurbished, it
shall be equivalent in operation to new Equipment. If a
Returned item is replaced by Glenayre Western Multiplex, the
Customer agrees that the Returned item shall become the
property of Glenayre Western Multiplex.
(e) Glenayre Western Multiplex shall at its cost, ship the repaired
item or replacement to any destination within the United States
of America by carrier and method of delivery chosen by
Glenayre Western Multiplex. If the Customer has requested
some other form of conveyance, such as express shipping, or is
located beyond the USA borders, then the Customer shall pay
to the cost of return shipment.
2.2 Equipment which is repaired or replaced by Glenayre Western
Multiplex under this Warranty shall be covered under all of the
provisions of this Warranty for the remainder of the applicable
Warranty Period or ninety (90) days from the date of shipment of
the repaired item or replacement, whichever period is longer.
3.1 Glenayre Western Multiplex may immediately terminate this
Warranty and all of its performance under this Warranty, upon
notification to the Customer, if the Customer:
(a) makes any unauthorized modifications to the Equipment;
(b) assigns or transfers the Customer's rights or obligations under
this Warranty without the written consent of Glenayre Western
(c) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or is put into receivership; or
(d) has not paid Glenayre Western Multiplex all amounts for the
Equipment, services, or other additional charges within thirty
(30) days of receipt of written notice from Glenayre Western
3.2 If this Warranty is terminated by Glenayre Western Multiplex, the
Customer shall remain liable for all amounts due to Glenayre
Western Multiplex.
4.1 "Force Majeure" has the same meaning as defined in Glenayre
Western Multiplex's Conditions of Sale (Glenayre Western
Multiplex document number CS96-8).
4.2 Glenayre Western Multiplex shall not be responsible for failure to
discharge its obligations under this Warranty due to Force
5.1 This Warranty does not apply to any damage, defect or failure
caused by:
(a) any part of the Equipment having been modified, adapted,
repaired, or improperly installed, operated, maintained, transported
or relocated by any person other than Glenayre Western Multiplex
personnel or a Glenayre Western Multiplex authorized service
agent, without Glenayre Western Multiplex's prior written consent;
(b) storage or environmental conditions which do not conform to the
applicable sections of the appropriate Glenayre Western Multiplex
Equipment Manual;
(c) failure to conform with the Equipment Installation, Operating and
Maintenance Instructions of the appropriate Glenayre Western
Multiplex Equipment Manual;
(d) external causes, including external electrical stress or lightning, or
use in conjunction with incompatible equipment, unless such use
was with Glenayre Western Multiplex's prior written consent;
(e) cosmetic damage;
(f) accidental damage, negligence, neglect, mishandling, abuse or
misuse, other than by Glenayre Western Multiplex personnel or a
Glenayre Western Multiplex authorized service agent; or
(g) Force Majeure.
Please see reverse side for additional limitations on damages.