Software Guide

Advanced Configuration
800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide 51
After configuring the required parameters, click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.
: For more details regarding LED display and RSSI LED behavior, refer
5.2 Network
The Network tab allows to view and configure the network specific information of the device.
To view the current operating network mode of the device, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Network. If the
network mode of the device is configured in Bridge mode, then following screen appears:
Figure 5-2 Bridge Mode
If the network mode of the device is configured in Routing mode, then the following screen appears:
Figure 5-3 Routing Mode
5.2.1 IP Configuration
The IP addresses can be configured in two modes. They are:
IPv4: IPv4 is the widely used version of Internet Protocol defining the IP address in 32-bit in size.
IPv6: Ipv6 is the latest version of Internet Protocol with new addressing system for more IP addresses than IPv4. The
IPv6 address is 128-bit in size.
LED Status The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) LEDs indicates that the unit is powered on,
and LEDs will glow based on RSSI value indicating link status. By default, all 5 LEDs will
blink at an interval of 1 sec. When the LED Status is disabled, all LEDs will be turned off.
: 'RSSI LED' feature is applicable only to 82x MP and QB devices.
SU Wireless MAC
This field is applicable only for a BSU. In order to monitor the SU link statistics, the user
should first configure the wireless MAC address of the SU. If the configured SU is
registered with the BSU, then the LEDs will glow based on the RSSI value else all the 5 LEDs
will blink. To get the SU Wireless MAC Address, navigate to MONITOR > WORP
Statistics >Interface 1 > SU Link Statistics.
Parameter Description