Software Guide

Advanced Configuration
800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide 99
Satellite Density Satellite Density setting helps to achieve maximum bandwidth in a wireless network. It
influences the receive sensitivity of the radio interface and improves operation in
environments with high noise level. Reducing the sensitivity of the device enables
unwanted “noise” to be filtered out (it disappears under the threshold).
You can configure the Satellite Density to be Disable, Large, Medium, Small, Mini, or
Micro. By default, Satellite Density is set to Large. The Medium, Small, Mini, and Micro
settings are appropriate for higher noise environments; whereas, Large is appropriate for a
lower noise environment. A long distance link can have difficulty in maintaining a
connection with a small density setting because the wanted signal can disappear under
the threshold. Consider both noise level and distance between the peers in a link when
configuring this setting. The threshold should be chosen higher than the noise level, but
sufficiently below the signal level. A safe value is 10dB below the present signal strength.
If the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is not sufficient, you may need to set a lower data rate or
use antennas with higher gain to increase the margin between wanted and unwanted
signals. In a point-to-multipoint link, the BSU or End Point A should have a density setting
suitable for an SU or End Point B, especially the ones with the lowest signal levels (longest
links). Take care when configuring a remote interface; check the available signal level first.
Defer Threshold (CCA Threshold) parameter enables the device (BSU or SU) to establish a
reliable link in high interference environments by increasing its value.This allows the device
to defer the transmission as long as other interference signals in the wireless medium are
greater than the configured Defer Threshold value.
Given below are the Sensitivity Threshold Values corresponding to various Satellite Density
: When the remote interface is accidentally set to small and communication is lost,
it cannot be reconfigured remotely and a local action is required to restore the
communication link. Therefore, the best place to experiment with the level is at
the device that can be managed without going through the link. If the link is
lost, the setting can be adjusted to the correct level to bring the link back.
Parameter Descriptions
Interference Signal Radio Behavior
Greater than or equal to Defer Threshold Defer the transmission
Less than Defer Threshold Continue the transmission
Satellite Density Receive Sensitivity
Defer Threshold
Large -96 dB -62 dB
Medium -86 dB -62 dB
Small -78 dB -52 dB
Mini -70 dB -42 dB
Micro -62 dB -36 dB