
Configuration Tsunami MP.11 5012-SUR Installation and Management
consume valuable wireless bandwidth. On some networks, there are so many ARP broadcasts that the performance of
the wireless network will degrade due to the amount of bandwidth being consumed by these messages.
To reduce the number of ARP broadcasts that are forwarded to the wireless nodes, you can enable ARP filtering. When
enabled, the ARP Filter allows the unit to forward only those ARP broadcasts destined for an IP address that falls within
the range specified by the ARP Filter Network Address and the ARP Filter Subnet Mask. The ARP Filter performs a
logical AND function (essentially keeping what is the same and discarding what is different) on the IP address of the ARP
request and the ARP Filter Subnet Mask. It then compares the result of the logical AND to the ARP Filter Network
Address. If the two values match, the ARP broadcast is forwarded to the wireless network by the unit.
Configure Ethernet Protocol Filtering
The Ethernet Protocol filter blocks or forwards packets based upon the Ethernet protocols they support. Click Configure
> Filtering > Ethernet Protocol to enable or disable certain protocols in the table. Entries can be selected from a drop-
down box.
Follow these steps to configure the Ethernet Protocol Filter:
1. Select the interfaces that will implement the filter from the Ethernet Protocol Filtering drop-down menu.
All Interfaces: Packets are examined at both interfaces
Only Ethernet: Packets are examined at the Ethernet interface
Only Wireless: Packets are examined at the Wireless A interface
Disabled: The filter is not used
2. Select the Filter Operation Type.
If set to Block, the bridge blocks enabled Ethernet Protocols listed in the Filter Table.
If set to Passthru, only the enabled Ethernet Protocols listed in the Filter Table pass through the bridge.
3. Configure the Ethernet Protocol Filter Table. This table is pre-populated with existing Ethernet Protocol Filters,
however, you may enter additional filters by specifying the appropriate parameters.
To add an entry, click Add, and then specify the Protocol Number and a Protocol Name.
Protocol Number: Enter the protocol number. See http://www.iana.org/assignments/ethernet-numbers for a list of
protocol numbers.
Protocol Name: Enter related information, typically the protocol name.
To edit or delete an entry, click Edit and change the information, or select Enable, Disable, or Delete from the
Status drop-down menu.
An entry’s status must be enabled in order for the protocol to be subject to the filter.