
Monitoring Tsunami MP.11 5012-SUR Installation and Management
Link Test
Link Test
Click Monitor > Link Test to find out which wireless stations are in range and to check their link quality.
NOTE: Link Test requires Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later. Earlier versions do not support Link Test.
Link Test for the unit reports the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value in dB; the higher this number, the better the signal
quality. Furthermore, it reports the signal level and noise level in dBm. The latter two are approximations of the level at
which the unit receives the signal of the peer unit and the background noise.
Clicking Explore from a BSU displays all its registered SUs.
Clicking Explore from an SU displays only the BSU with which it is registered.
All stations displayed after “Explore” come up “Disabled.” Select a station by changing Disabled to Start and click the
Link Test button. You can change multiple stations to Start, but only the last station in the list is displayed as the remote
partner when you click the Link Test button.
The Link Test provides SNR, Signal, and Noise information for both, the local and the remote unit’s levels. Link Test stops
when you close the Link Test page.