User's Manual

start until the respective battery has been replaced and a new
measurement record has been read.
• Battery status report: In the main menu, select <Tools> / <Re-
ports> / <VIBCONNECT RF Battery Status>.
• Configuration of the bridge: In the configuration window for
the bridge, the battery charge status of each assigned sensor
unit is displayed (see also “Registering sensor units in OMNI-
TREND”, page 51).
Changing battery
• Open the sensor unit housing by loosening the two screws of
the cover (size 2.5 Allen screws).
Risk of damage to equipment while housing is open!
Touching the electronic components on the mother board can lead
to electrostatic discharge, which can damage the sensor unit.
» If contact with such components cannot be excluded, wear an
earthing wristband.
• Remove the spent batteries and replace them with new ones
(see also “VIBCONNECT RF sensor unit”, page 21). Do not
confuse the battery poles!
• Close the sensor unit housing.
• Dispose of the spent batteries
according to the applicable
waste disposal regulations.