Owners Manual

Operation Guide
Idle Mode
The master power switch on the rear panel should remain on at all times (except when
making new connections). When your connected equipment is not in use, the P3 can be
placed in idle mode. Putting your unit in idle mode will deactivate all of its output relays.
We recommend individually powering down your connected components before placing
your P3 into idle mode. If you wish to fully power down your P3 (by flipping the master
switch on the rear panel or by unplugging the power cord), you must first place the unit
into idle mode.
Idle mode can be activated by pressing the PS Audio logo button, located on the upper
left hand corner of the P3’s front panel. When the logo idle button is not lit, the P3 is in
idle mode. Idle mode can also be activated by pressing the red power button in the top
right hand corner of the remote.
To take the P3 out of idle mode, press the PS Audio logo button, located on the upper left
hand corner of the P3’s front panel. This button will glow blue when the P3 is not in idle
mode. Pressing the On button on the remote will also take the P3 out of idle mode.
Stellar Power Plant