
1202-VLZ PRO • 1402-VLZ PRO
AT 349 W. 34th STREET (with purchase of
100 or more)
12 x 2 and 14 x 2 Compact Mixers
Providing maximum performance in minimum sizes, the 1202-VLZ
Pro and 1402-VLZ Pro are the mixers of choice for tens of thousands
of musicians and sound engineers who need equipment to serve “double
duty” in studios and on the road.With 12 or 14 balanced
input channels divided between 4 (1202) or 6 (1402) mono
mic/line inputs and 4 stereo line input channels, these mixers
excel in the field or in the studio. Video suites doing dialog
recording, voiceover or sound effects and project studios will find
the range of bussing flexibility a blessing. For live gigging, the
rugged steel chassis will stand up to the abuse of the road and the 2
aux sends are perfect for monitor and or effects sends.
Input Channels
4 mono balanced XLR mic/ 1/4˝ line
inputs with inserts, trim and rotary level
4 balanced 1/4˝ stereo line inputs with
rotary level controls.
2 Aux sends per channel can be used as
effects sends or for creating monitor mixes
and offer 15dB of extra gain above Unity
Each input has 3 bands of EQ at 80Hz,
2.5kHz and 12kHz with a ±15dB boost/cut.
Inputs have a -18dB/oct. 75Hz Lo Cut filter
that eliminates stage rumble, wind noise,
P-pops and other low frequency noise
The Mute/Alt 3-4 buttons located on each
input channel serve two functions: muting
the input channel from the main mix,and
signal routing, where they act as your
gateway to an extra stereo bus
Constant-loudness pan pots on each input
channel keep sound at a consistent volume
when panning between left, center and
right positions
PFL Stereo in-place Solo on each channel
Aux Inputs
2 balanced 1/4˝ stereo returns with EFX to
Monitor switch
Aux 1 master control with Monitor/Post
assign switch
Stereo RCA 2 track tape return
Main stereo outputs are XLR-balanced
switchable from +4dBu to mic level
1/4˝ balanced alternate outputs (alt 3/4) are
assignable from mute buttons on input
2 balanced 1/4˝ auxiliary sends
1/4˝ TRS balanced stereo control room out-
Stereo RCA (2 track) tape outputs
Multi-input source matrix with level control
lets you route any combination of Main
Mix, Tape In and Alt 3-4 to the Control
Room/Phones bus. Routings can be used for
submixes,monitoring or tracking and can
be subsequently routed to the main mix
Additional Features
Gain knobs have Unity gain detents, when
input levels are properly set, the highest
headroom and lowest noise floor is at unity
12 segment LED’s give accurate level status
of main outputs or soloed channels
48-volt phantom power for condenser mics
Built-in power supply–no wall wart!
Rude Solo Light LED bluntly advises that a
channel is soloed
Tape input level control and Tape To Main
Mix switch
3-year parts and labor warranty.
Optional RM1202VLZ rackmount ears
1402-VLZ PRO Step-up Features
6 mono balanced XLR mic/1/4˝ line
inputs instead of 4
Switchable AFL/PFL Solo
Optional RM1402VLZ rackmount ears
60mm long-wearing log-taper faders ensure a consistent, smooth accurate response through
the length of the fader travel
The1202 and 1402-VLZ PRO are the standard for small-to-medium video post production
suites. They’re the most popular mixers for home project studios. They’re in touring racks
of performers. They record location sound for major Hollywood movies. They’re on duty
at major-league football games,recording the crunch of bodies and the sportscasters
breathless play-by-play. They are also used as live field mixers by the news departments of
every major network.