
16•8 / 24•8 / 32•8 8•BUS MIXERS
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Channel Strip
In-line FLIP reverses tape and mic/line inputs between channel strip
and Mix-B/Monitor section
Each channel strip has 6 mono auxiliary sends with several routing
Auxes 1 & 2 have two independent level controls that share a com-
mon Pre/Post switch.
Aux 3-4/5-6 are accessible from two level controls: A ‘shift’button
changes Auxes 3 4 to 5-6.A ‘source’switch selects signal source of Aux
3-4/5-6 from channel strip or channel’s Mix B/Monitor send so you
can build and effects mixer (pre or post-Mix-B level) to assign to
phones during tracking.
Tr ue parametric, 3-control Hi Mid EQ with ±15dB boost/cut:
Ultra-wide 500Hz to 18kHz frequency sweep range; bandwidth
can be adjusted from a very wide 3-octave width to a very narrow
1/12-octave width.
Low Mid EQ with ultra -wide 45Hz to 3kHz sweep, ±15dB boost/cut
±15dB shelving Hi (12kHz) and low (80Hz) EQ
Multi-purpose 18dB/oct. low cut filter cleans up “mix mud”, cuts PA
rumble, creates a “neo-peaking”bass control when used with LO
shelving boosts
Independent Mix-B (Monitor) section—think of it as as discrete
“channel strip within a channel strip”—with its own pan, level, EQ
and source capabilities.During mixdown, use as extra pre-fader
stereo Aux send or double your inputs
Mix-B Split EQ assigns Hi and LO EQ to Mix-B
Mix-B Source selects from flip switch or channel strip (pre-fader) for
in-line monitoring while recording or gives an extra stereo aux bus
Constant power, buffered panpot for rock-solid panning
+22dB Overload LED (monitors three critical points in the signal
chain, and displays the one that’s highest at any given time) and
Hyperactive -20dB Signal Present LED (can also tell you at a glance
what vocal or instrument is on what channel)
Selectable Solo with Channel Metering allows soloing in full stereo
perspective: displays soloed channel operating level on master L/R
meters so input trims can be adjusted for optimum levels.
Top of the Channel Strip (not shown)
DC phantom power for condenser microphones is applied to channel
strips in groups of eight. It has a “ramping”function that gradually
increases from 0 to 48v power when you turn it on preventing
thumps and pops.
Two BNC sockets for 12v gooseneck lamps
Balanced mic inputs lead to the VLZ mic preamps. Mackie’s VLZ
(Very Low Impedance) design provides terrific dynamic range with
an EIN of -129 dB and 10Hz to 300 kHz bandwidth.
Balanced/unbalanced 1/4˝ jacks with 40dB range handle everything
from hot digital inputs to older keyboards with low output voltages.
1/4˝ 4dB direct out jack (connected to the output of the channel,
post-EQ/post-fader/post-mute switch
Channel Insert allows you to insert external serial processing equip-
ment (eg. compressor, gate) into the main signal path of the input.
Master I/O Section
Main and submaster
inserts allow you to
insert a compressor
or EQ into main L/R
or any of the 8•Bus
submaster circuits.
Aux Returns are
unbalanced stereo
with a L&R input
for each return channel.If you only have one return signal, plugging it
into the Mono/L jack will cause it to be connected t both the left and
right return inputs and end up centered in your stereo image.
Control Room output,Main Mix output,Mix-B output and Studio output
2-Tk Input and External Inputs offer you the ability to listen to two
stereo sources directly, without patching through input channels.
Rear Panel
Three tape output jacks per bus (total of 24). Balanced out-
puts, switchable from +4/-10.
+4dBu balanced Tape Returns,switchable to -10dBV in banks
of 8 returns
“Triple busing” allows you to feed a 24-track deck without
having to constantly repatch.When you send a signal to
Submaster 1 output, for instance, it will appear as Submaster
Outputs 1, 9, and 17. If you have a 16-or 24-track deck, simply
patch these outputs to the corresponding multitrack inputs.
Now the tracks on your multitrack that are in Record mode
will accept the signal, while the tracks in Safe mode won’t.