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External CPU
The D8B includes a separate, external CPU with
Pentium processor, complete with 32 MB of
RAM, large capacity hard disk,3.5˝ floppy drive
(use to load additional software or save sessions),
and SVGA video card, keyboard and mouse con-
nections for connecting an optional SVGA monitor
(for display of many console functions including fader banks,DSP
and effects, surround sound,software library, and file management),keyboard and mouse.
On the back is an Ethernet connector. Use it to cascade two D8B’s solo control logic, mutes,
transports, etc… or connect one or more Digital 8•Bus’s to Macs or PC’s via a LAN for transfer
of session files and EQ/Effects libraries.
Channel STRIP
Built-in meter bridge displays the selected
channel’s input level, including level
display for tracking, mixing, effect returns,
and sub bussing.
Tr im Level (channels 1-24 only) with quick
and easy level setting
Mic/Line Switch (channels 1-12).
Record Ready button on each channel strip
lets you remotely arm up to 24 tracks of
your digital multi-track or hard disk
recorder (on recorders that support MMC)
without turning away from the console.
Assign button lets you quickly route chan-
nels to buses or any of the 24 tape outputs
with the punch of a button or a click of the
mouse. It's just like a digital patch bay!
Write button displays the automation state
on the channel strip.For those who want
hands-on ability, the D8Bs automation can
also be run in Auto-Touch mode. As soon
as any recordable control is touched and
adjusted, the corresponding channel auto-
matically goes into record mode.
V-Pot gives you hands-on control over all
channels’panning as well as all auxiliary
send, tape output, and digital trim levels.
V-Pots have visual feedback, instant recall
and full automation capability.
Bank LED indicator tells you whether the
channels are currently Mic/Line, Tape In,
or Effect Return channels.The bank LEDs
switch along with the selected fader bank.
Select function for channel editing, group-
ing, sending to tape outputs,linking, group
or bus assignment, or clipboard functions.
Direct access Solo and Mute buttons—no
scrolling through menus
100mm motorized channel faders are silky-
smooth when you move them; jitter-free
in motorized mode. The motorized action
can be globally defeated.
Fat Channel –
For Hands-on Processing
Perhaps one of the favorite features of the D8B
is the legendary Fat Channel. And now it has a
new look and many new features that will
greatly augment your audio arsenal. Larger
views, adjustable dynamics EQ key types, Gate
expansion, and external MIDI gate trigger are
just a few of the new Fat Channel components
that will make your mixing tasks easier and
more effective.
Provides four V-Pots and Previous/Next scroll buttons to quickly find and adjust effects
parameters of all twelve auxiliary sends and 4-band EQ, compressor with limiting,and gate
with expansion mode parameters for 48 channels
The Compressor and Gate parameters can be viewed graphically in the expanded dynamics
view windows.
The Dynamic Key provides a selection of four EQ types (Parametric, Shelf,High Pass or Low
Pass) that can be applied to the Key input.
A bright vacuum fluorescent display above the FAT Channel gives you visible read-outs of
changing DSP values. (In addition to the optional SVGA monitor.) Although you can tweak
the D8B’s settings with its analog-style knobs, you may prefer the on-screen control panels for
intricate adjustments. To quickly check channels for phase inversion, you can flip the phase of
individual channels from the VFD.
Lurking behind the Digital 8•Bus’100mm
motorized faders are four banks of chan-
nels, each available at the touch of a dedi-
cated button.
—Channels 1-24 are for tracking
—Channels 25 to 48 are for tape returns
—A third bank for Internal Stereo Effects
Returns and four External Stereo Effects
—A fourth bank - 8 virtual group master
faders, 8 dedicated MIDI controller faders,
and 8 bus master faders.When you switch
banks, all faders will “snap to their relative
position in the selected fader bank. The
SVGA display changes,too,reflecting the
selected bank and all controller positions.
Choose between near-field or main speaker
outputs to monitor your mixes.This sec-
tion can receive source signal from your
stereo mastering returns via three sets of
analog two-track inputs and/or the stereo
AES/EBU or S/PDIF input. Plus, a built-in
‘Talkback’mic with ‘Dim’button allow
communication with studio talent through
the Phones/Cue mixes or Studio outputs.
Each provides an amplified headphone out-
put of either the Control Room mix or
either of the ‘Cue Mixes’(Aux 9/10,11/12)
A unique ‘Copy Mix to Cue’function
allows you to set up your headphone mixes
using the D8B faders, and then copying
their relative positions to the Cue Mixes.
Master Section
Apogee UV22 Super CD Encoding
Built into the D8B is Apogees UV22
outboard processor which encodes more
bits of detail onto CDs.Audible benefits
include more detailed reverb, better tonal
balance, wider stereo spread,more precise
placement of instruments in the sound
stage, and lower noise.Produce fantastic-
sounding 2-track masters that will continue
to sound fantastic no matter who masters
and duplicates them.