User manual

User Manual
Technical Details
Support Jars
The installation procedure for these drivers provides everything that is
required to completely run the drivers with a standalone test application
that uses JavaPOS. This may mean that on an actual POS system, some of
these files may already exist in different folders. There is always a possibil-
ity that conflicts could result because of this, so
it is important to remember
that the CLASSPATH and PATH required by the Datalogic drivers is appended
to the end of the current CLASSPATH and PATH. If there are older versions of
some of these jar files in the CLASSPATH ahead of the ones required by the
Datalogic drivers, it may be necessary to rearrange the CLASSPATH accord-
ingly. Every situation will have to be looked at uniquely.
The Datalogic drivers were written to the JavaPOS 1.13
specification, so
some of the support jar files are a result of the runtimes required to make
this function under JavaPOS 1.13. Other support jar files are used for RS-
232 and USB communications. If conflicts result it may be important to
know what these files are. This is a list of files that get copied, and to which
“package” they belong:
“.” = Install PATH
“Base Datalogic Drivers”
./Win32Hid.dll (Windows ONLY)
./Win64Hid.dll (Windows ONLY)
“javax.comm. Libraries”
“javax.usb Libraries”