User Manual

UANPA10 V5.0 PSI Audio User Manual 7
5.3 Audio Signal Input Connector
The female XLR connector on the rear panel provides a balanced analogue input with the following
wiring conventions :
1 = Chassis (Ground)
2 = + Hot
3 = - Cold
When using the loudspeaker with unbalanced sources, the following wiring conventions may be used
5.4 PSC Command principle
PSC enables to control the standby mode of your loudspeakers through the signal cable. This
command is generated by pulling up simultaneously the voltage of the entries (2) and (3) of the XLR.
A voltage of +5 to 25V DC referenced to the ground is necessary to control the standby mode.
The front panel LED is slightly lit in red during the standby mode.
For more information about the PSC principle, please refer to our website directly :, section Technologies.
5.5 Level / Input Sensitivity Potentiometer
The level is continuously variable, the potentiometer controls the logarithmic converter whose
precision is greater than 1 dB.
5.6 Roll-Off Potentiometer
See installation section 6
5.7 Voltage Selector / Mains Fuse
See point 1 in the Quick Start section 4.
6 Installation
6.1 Environment
PSI Audio loudspeakers are calibrated to give a flat response under free field conditions. The
acoustic environment will naturally influence the overall performances of the loudspeakers.
When using the loudspeaker in a studio environment, the Roll-Off control allows the low frequency
response to be tailored according to the position of the loudspeaker. Placing a speaker in a corner or
near a wall will affect the bass response and this can be compensated by the use of the calibration
6.2 Roll-Off simplified theoretical view :
If a sound source is omni-directional and incorporated into a wall, it radiates into a half space. The
generated acoustic pressure is doubled (+ 6 dB) in comparison to free field radiation.
For high frequencies, the wavelengths are shorter than the dimension of the loudspeaker. Therefore,
the enclosure determinates the radiation pattern.
For low frequencies, the wavelengths are longer than the dimension of the loudspeaker. The position
and the material of room partitions which determinates the radiation pattern.
RCA/ Chinch
RCA/ Chinch
always make sure that sufficient air
flow is available around your
loudspeaker to prevent overheating.