User manual

Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Calibrating the Touchscreen
10 Psion Teklogix 8515 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual
2.6 Calibrating the Touchscreen
If your 8515 touchscreen has never been calibrated or if you find that the stylus pointer is
not accurate when you tap on an item, use the Stylus Properties dialog box in the Control
Panel to recalibrate the screen.
•In the Control Panel, choose the Stylus icon to display the Stylus Properties window.
Choose the Calibration tab, and then tap on the Recalibrate button.
Follow the directions on the calibration screen to calibrate the screen.
Important: If the word ‘BLUE’ is displayed in uppercase in the taskbar at the bottom of
the screen, this key is locked ‘on’—the 8515 will not switch off. Press the
[BLUE] key again to unlock it; then press [BLUE] [ENTER/ON] to switch
the 8515 off.
If, however, you’ve disabled the “Blue Key” in the ‘One Shot’ dialog box
(see “One Shots” on page 64), the 8515 can be turned off even when the
[BLUE] key is locked ‘on’.