User's Manual

Psion Teklogix 7530 Hand-Held Computer User Manual203
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
Xmit Modes
Xmit Wait
This parameter determines the length of time the 7530 collects keystrokes before
transmitting them to the host. This value is specified in increments of one 10th of a
second (i.e., a value of 10 represents 1 second). If 0 (zero) is selected, the computer
transmits only according to the “Xmit Count” parameter.
Note: If the 7530 is not in local edit mode, the <ENTER>, arrow, <CTRL>,
and function keys cause an immediate radio transmission regardless of
the “Xmit Wait” parameter setting.
Dev Attr
This string entry parameter specifies a device attribute string. This string can be up
to 16 characters long. The computer sends this string to the host when it receives a
DA or DECID control. The example shown in the “Xmit Modes” screen sample on
page 202 is the device attribute sent to a VAX, identifying the Psion Teklogix hand-
held computer as a VT220 terminal. This parameter may or may not be set,
depending on the requirements of the host computer.
This string can be up to 30 characters long and is sent by the 7530 as a reply to
an “ENQ” character from the host. The “Auto-Answer” string is programmable in
the same manner as the keyboard macros. For example, this string can be used to
automatically send the username and password when logging into the host. Refer
to "Macro Control Panel" beginning on page 181 for additional details about
7 bit
When this parameter is disabled (set to “N”), the hand-held computer transmits 8 bit
controls. When enabled (set to “Y”), the hand-held transmits 7 bit controls. This
parameter applies to character mode, block mode, and media copy mode.