User's Manual

Psion Teklogix 7530 Hand-Held Computer User Manual205
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
Xmit Modes
When the Guarded Area Transfer Mode (GATM) parameter is disabled (set to “N”),
only unguarded data is transmitted to the host or transferred to the console or
serial ports. When enabled (set to “Y”), both guarded and unguarded data can be
transmitted to the host or transferred to the console or serial ports.
When the Multiple Area Transfer Mode (MATM) parameter is disabled (set to “N”),
only the selected area containing the cursor can be transmitted to the host or
transferred to the console or serial ports. When enabled (set to “Y”), all selected
areas can be transmitted to the host or transferred to the console or serial ports.
This mode is significant only if the Selected Area Transfer Mode (SATM) is disabled.
When the Selected Area Transfer Mode (SATM) parameter is disabled (set to “N”),
the selected areas defined by SSA/ESA and DAQ can be transmitted to the host or
transferred to the console or serial ports. When enabled (set to “Y”), the full contents
of the buffer can be transmitted to the host or transferred to the console or serial ports.
When the Transfer Termination Mode (TTM) parameter is disabled (set to “N”), the
cursor position determines the end of the string that can be transmitted to the host
or transferred to the console or serial ports. When enabled (set to “Y”), the cursor
position is ignored.
EOL chars
This string entry parameter specifies a string of up to 8 characters that are sent after
each line in a block transmission. If the parameter is not used, the rules specified in
“Transmitted Data Stream” are used to determine end of line characters.
EOB chars
This string entry parameter specifies a string of up to 8 characters that are sent after
each block transmission.