User's Manual

Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
Tether And Console Port Parameter Settings
238Psion Teklogix 7530 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Supports XON/XOFF or no handshaking.
Print: Used to output data only. All input characters except XON and
XOFF are ignored.
Supports XON/XOFF or no handshaking.
Output: Used to output data only. All input characters are ignored.
Supports no handshaking.
Note: To enable the input and/or output, ‘serial in’ and/or ‘serial out’ must be
enabled in the TESS menu.
The value assigned to this parameter determines the size of the serial buffer used by
the application for both input and output. The buffer controls the amount of data the
application can send to or receive from a serial device.
This parameter determines the number of times the 7530 attempts to transmit a byte
from the serial port. If the count specified in this parameter is exceeded, the
transmission fails.
Input Tmo
This parameter sets the time in tenths of a second that the 7530 waits before passing
received data to the TESS or ANSI tasks.
Output Tmo
The value assigned at this parameter determines the maximum number of
milliseconds that the application will wait for a ‘write’ sent to the port to succeed
before it is aborted. The ‘write’ may be one or several bytes in length.
When this parameter is enabled (set to “Y”), data is output through the serial port to
make certain that it is operating appropriately.