User's Manual

Chapter 5: Configuration
Scanner Options
Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Click Data
For both integrated and external scanners, this parameter determines which
character is sent to the application installed in your 7535 following a double-click.
A dialogue box appears, asking that you press the key you want to insert. The
ASCII/Unicode key value of the keypress is displayed.
Pressing the <ESC> key in this dialogue box resets the data to zero.
Dot Time (msec)
The value selected for “Dot Time (msec)” determines (in milliseconds) how long the
targeting dot remains on before the scanner switches to a normal scan sweep. The
allowable values are:
0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0
seconds. A value of 0 (zero) disables the target dot.
Short Code
When enabled (set to ‘ON’), this parameter allows scanning of short I 2 of 5 bar
codes (2 characters). When disabled, these short bar codes are rejected.
Enabling “Short Code” may reduce the robustness of the decoding since the
7535 must decode more potential bar codes; it is therefore not recommended for
general-purpose bar codes with 4 or more characters.
The value entered for this parameter determines the number of correct additional
decodes required after the initial decode before a bar code is accepted. Higher
values significantly increase the time it takes to decode a bar code but also improve
the reliability of the decoded bar code.
This parameter controls the tolerance for decoding edge-to-edge bar codes
(Code 93, Code 128, UPC/EAN). Lower values have a lower tolerance for misreads,
but they also increase the time it takes to decode the bar code. The default value of
30 is generally a good compromise setting.