User's Manual

Chapter 5: Configuration
Code 128 Settings
Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Prefix Char
This character, if non-zero, is added before a successfully decoded bar code. Press
the key you want to insert in the dialogue box attached to this parameter. The
ASCII/Unicode key value of the keypress is displayed.
Pressing the <ESC> key in this dialogue box resets the data to zero.
Suffix Char
Note: The appended character is treated as any other keyboard character.
For example, if <BKSP> is pressed, the usual action for that key is
performed. If your unit is operating with the Psion Teklogix ANSI
emulation application, the 7535 transmits the escape sequence
associated with the function immediately after the bar code data.
This character, if non-zero, is added after a successfully decoded bar code. Press the
key you want to insert in the dialogue box attached to this parameter. The
ASCII/Unicode key value of the keypress is displayed.
Pressing the <ESC> key in this dialogue box resets the data to zero.
Strip Leading
This parameter determines the number of characters that will be removed from the
beginning of the bar code before the prefix character is added.
Note: For Code 39 bar codes, the “AIAG Strip” is performed before the
“Strip Leading”.
Strip Trailing
The value entered in this parameter determines the number of characters that will be
removed from the end of the bar code before the suffix character is added. Code 128 Settings
Include Sym
Setting “Include Sym” to ‘ON’ causes the group separator(s) and start code
contained in this type of bar code to be displayed on the screen.
Note: This option is available only when ‘EAN/UCC 128’ is selected.