User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual C-5
Appendix C: USB Setup Application
Post Installation
completed the driver installation and the device is no longer marked for
reinstall. Only one devnode per device can be unset when the device
drivers are nally installed.
3. If you indicated that the usbstor driver should be installed, the same
steps as described above are carried out for usbstor except that the
7535 must be running BooSt. (Press and hold down the <SCAN>
<BLUE> <ENTER> keys for a minimum of 6 seconds to launch the
BooSt program.) Keep in mind that a device running BooSt has a dif-
ferent hardware ID than when it is running Windows CE.
C.1.4 Post Installation
1. Done Dialogue Box:
This dialogue box indicates the success or failure of the installation.
To view the log le, tap on the <Log File> button
To exit the program, tap on the <Exit> button.