User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual XI
Boldface indicates a parameter name.
of pages (ANSI) 199
of rows (ANSI) 199
of rows (TESS) 214
Terminal # (ANSI) 162, 195
Terminal # (TESS) 154
number system digit 127, 128
numeric elds (Rjct if Alpha) 224
numeric parameters 170, 174
numeric parameters, minimum/maximum
limits to 170, 174
Off & On buttons 16, 34
ofces list 4, A-3
off-line 7535
using local procedures 161
offset (viewport) 239
On & Off button 16, 34
One Check Digit 129
one dimensional internal scanner 50
One Shot Mode 94
ON Threshold 90, 93
Open Fky Only 226
order of elds in TESS screen 224
Origin Scroll 214
Output 133
output/input elds, serial port 221
Output Tmo 238
# of Cols (TESS) 214
# of Columns (ANSI) 200
# of Pages (ANSI) 199
# of Rows (ANSI) 199
# of Rows (TESS) 214
positioning 214
queuing mode 162
reprinting 160
size/shape 200
Pages Saved (TESS) 215
Panning 242
Alpha parameters 171, 174
numeric 170, 174
saving changes to 175
string entry 171, 172, 174
Y/N (boolean) 171, 174
Parity 237
Passthru Printing 228
Password (ANSI Telnet Settings) 198
password, supervisor 186
Password Echo (ANSI Telnet Settings)
Password Prompt (ANSI Telnet Settings)
PDF internal scanner 51
period ASCII decimal equivalent 218
peripherals, dening connections 235
picker cradle 268
installing cable 270
powered 10-55 VDC 268
powered 12 VDC 268
unpowered 268
pinouts B-1
pins enabling for printing 219
pistol grip, installing on 7535 15
pitch, scanning 283
pivot (viewport) 239
pocket PC compatibility 83
Port (ANSI Telnet Settings) 197
Port (TESS Connection Type) 213
Port (802.IQ v2) 246
port pinouts B-1
ANSI Connection Type 197
Baud 237
Buffer 238
Data Bits 237
Flow Control 237
Input tmo 238
Output tmo 238
parameters 236
Parity 237
Retries 238
serial 221
Serial In/Out 221
settings 235
settings (tether & console port) 235
settings for Tether and console 236
Stop Bits 237
TESS Connection Type 213
Test 238
Tether and Console Port settings 235
port settings (tether & console) 235–238
of screen 214
power information 71