User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Boldface indicates a parameter name.
Dot Time 120
double-click 119
Input (translate) 133
locked 7535 224
number system digit 127, 128
Output (translate) 133
pitch 283
prex character 124, 126
removing characters 124, 126
Rjct if Alpha 224
safety instructions 48
Scan Beep 119
Scan Indicator 119
Scan Log File 119
Scan Result 118
Scan Result Time 119
Scan-See 235
Security 120
Short Code 120
skew 283
specular dead zone 283
sufx character 124, 126
symbologies 121
target (aiming) dot duration 120
TESS Scanner parameters 223
Verify 120
Scan Result 118
Scan Result Time 119
keyboard mapping 244
parameters, setting 239–244
port settings 235
serial number 243
viewport, mapping 239
Scan Tone and Scan Time 183
stylus, using to navigate 61
touch pen, using 61
Windows CE, navigating 61
Screen parameters
ANSI 199
TESS 214
# of Cols (ANSI) 200
# of Cols (TESS) 214
# of Rows (ANSI) 199
# of Rows (TESS) 214
Anchor View 211, 227
Display Shift 187
Field Scroll 214
moving between elds 206, 224
Origin Scroll 214
page size/shape 199, 214
positioning 214
splitting view of 188
Type and View IDs (Split screen) 188
Use Increment 188
x and y origin 211, 227
X-Increment 188
Y-Increment 188
Screen Switch 185
Field Scroll 214
Origin Scroll 214
Security 120
security level icon 47
Security Settings 69
changing password 69
conguring taskbar 70
level 69
Supervisor 69
Teklogix 69
User 69
security settings 176
default mode 185
Font Chg 186
Screen Switch 185
supervisor password 186
user level options 185
Selected Area Transfer Mode (SATM) 205
select host (CTRL h) 160
selecting a host 161
Send Mile 220
Send with FKEY) 227
serial I/O
TESS command 221
serial I/O elds 155
Serial In 221
Serial IO Character 229
serial number (Scan-See) 243
Serial Out 221
Serial Port 221
serial port
enabling pins for printers 219
I/O elds 221
Serial In 221
Serial Out 221
Serial Port 221
SI CRC 222