User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 159
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
TESS Status Message
6.5.6 TESS Status Message
Press <CTRL> <S> to continuously display the status message in the
lower left corner of the screen.
Press <CTRL> <W> to make this message appear only when the 7535
locks. The message should look similar to the sample below:
V6.0 fld 0.6
“V6.0” is the TESS version number. “fld” indicates that TESS is currently in field
mode. Insert and replace mode are represented as “ins” and “rep” respectively. The
number “0.6” indicates the response time of the last transmission in seconds. Press
<CTRL> <T> to display the unit number instead of the TESS version number.
Insert mode
In a left justified field, the <BKSP> function erases the character on
which the cursor is positioned, unless it is at the right end of the char-
acter string; in this case, it erases the character to the left of the cursor.
When the last character in a field is erased, the field remains empty,
and any further <BKSP> functions in the empty field result in a key-
board error beep.
In a right justified field, the <BKSP> function erases the character
that is to the right of the cursor and then shifts the data remaining to
the right one position.
If the <BKSP> key is pressed while the cursor is in the right-most
character position of that field, the cursor does not shift to the left
when that character is erased; it remains in the right-most position
in the field.
When the last character in a field is erased, the field remains empty –
i.e. any pre-filled data is not displayed. Pressing the BKSP key in the
empty field sounds a keyboard error beep.
The <BKSP> key can delete data pre-filled by the host application.
If data is entered into a field and then deleted before the field is com-
pleted, the field remains unmodified when the cursor leaves the field
or when the screen is transmitted.
Fcursor mode
Refer to “Field Mode” at the beginning of this table. The <BKSP>
key operates in exactly the same manner in “Fcursor mode” as it does
in “Field mode”.